In a recent incident on the bustling M60 motorway, the Greater Manchester Police intercepted a vehicle that raised serious concerns due to its precarious cargo. The load, discovered during a routine stop, posed a significant hazard to fellow motorists and demanded...
The roads policing unit from the Wiltshire Police recently encountered an eye-catching sight on the bustling M4 motorway. Their trained eyes spotted a van with an unusual bouncing rear end, prompting them to take immediate action. Little did they know that their...
In a routine operation carried out by the roads policing units of Wiltshire Police in Swindon, a rather heavy van caught the attention of vigilant officers. Little did they know that this seemingly innocent encounter would reveal a potentially hazardous situation,...
In a recent routine shift in Swindon, roads policing units from the Wiltshire Police made a startling discovery that highlighted the dangers of overloading vehicles and the imperative need for road safety. A vehicle and trailer were flagged down, only to reveal a...
Recently, a harrowing incident was captured by the dash cam of an innocent driver on the M55 carriageway in Blackpool. The footage revealed a startling scene, where the driver in front was transporting an insecure load of timber. The consequences of this negligence...