In a recent encounter during routine patrols in the bustling streets of Merseyside, vigilant officers from the Merseyside Police sprang into action, halting a vehicle that appeared to be carrying a potentially calamitous insecure load. However, what initially seemed...
In a routine shift that took an unexpected turn, diligent officers from DVSA Enforcement recently uncovered a startling discovery while patrolling the streets. It was an encounter that shed light on the potentially perilous consequences of overloading vehicles and...
In yet another display of apparent disregard for road safety regulations, the road policing unit from the Wiltshire Police found themselves facing a familiar scenario, meeting the same van and driver who had previously been issued a prohibition notice for overloading...
In a recent operation conducted by officers from the roads policing unit (RPU) for Kent Police, a vehicle caught their attention due to its visibly heavy load on the back axles. Concerned about the potential risks associated with such a situation, the RPU took...
In a recent incident, Mildenhall Police intercepted a flatbed vehicle near the A11, after its driver brazenly disregarded solid white lines while traversing the A14. However, this blatant violation was only the tip of the iceberg as the officers discovered that the...