In a recent operation conducted by vigilant commercial vehicle officers from the Greater Manchester Police, a routine stop yielded alarming discoveries, shedding light on potentially hazardous conditions prevalent on the roads. The officers intervened swiftly as they...
In a recent incident in Oldham, officers from the Greater Manchester Police and the local Commercial Vehicle Unit took decisive action to prevent a potentially hazardous situation on the roads. It was a routine stop that led to the discovery of a van that posed a...
Once again, the vigilant eyes of the local commercial vehicle unit have averted a potentially disastrous situation in the bustling streets of Greater Manchester. Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily traffic, an observant officer spotted a concerning hazard – a...
In a recent incident in Chippenham, officers from the Wiltshire Police conducted a routine stop that uncovered a series of alarming breaches of road safety regulations. What began as a standard traffic check quickly escalated into a situation highlighting the critical...
In yet another startling incident to occur in the Greater Manchester area, road policing officers from the Greater Manchester Police once again demonstrated their dedication to maintaining road safety. Responding to their own safety concerns regarding a vehicle...