In a startling incident highlighting road safety concerns, traffic officers intercepted a van driver traveling without wearing a seatbelt. The initial stop, prompted by the lack of proper safety measures, quickly escalated when officers noticed something unusual...
In a startling yet avoidable incident, the driver of a transit van was discovered to be driving with a load exceeding the vehicle’s weight limit by an astonishing 51%. This revelation came to light after officers stopped the van and conducted a routine inspection. ...
In a recent road policing operation, officers made what they referred to as the ‘Prime’ stop of the day when they halted an Amazon delivery van due to several safety concerns. The routine stop revealed a series of violations, highlighting the critical...
In Stafford, traffic officers intercepted a vehicle on the M6 that posed a significant risk to road safety. Following a thorough inspection, multiple defects were identified, prompting authorities to issue an immediate prohibition on the vehicle. The driver was also...
A recent incident on the M6 near Stafford has highlighted the critical importance of road safety and vehicle checks. A van was stopped by authorities after being spotted with its side door wide open and its load completely unsecured. Alarmingly, the driver appeared...