In a recent incident that unfolded on the roads of Wiltshire, the DVSA Enforcement Team found themselves engaged in a high-speed pursuit as a vehicle adamantly refused to stop. It fell upon the Wiltshire Police to intervene swiftly, ensuring the safety of all road...
Road policing officers from the Wiltshire Police recently encountered a peculiar sight while patrolling the streets of Westbury. What initially appeared to be an ordinary vehicle quickly turned heads as officers noticed numerous insecure components within its load....
In a recent operation conducted by vigilant road policing officers, a routine stop turned into a comprehensive investigation, unveiling a myriad of violations that underscore the paramount importance of upholding road safety regulations. The spotlight fell upon a...
In another routine morning for the vigilant road policing officers of the Wiltshire Police, a seemingly ordinary stop escalated into a significant discovery. Suspecting an overweight vehicle, officers halted a transit van, and what they uncovered was far from...
In yet another routine vehicle inspection conducted by vigilant road policing officers from the Wiltshire Police, a startling discovery was made that underscores the critical importance of upholding road safety standards. The vehicle in question, a commercial...
Early morning vigilance from Wiltshire police road officers revealed a stark reality on the roads: an overloaded Ford Transit teetering dangerously over its weight limits. As the first vehicle to roll onto the weighbridge, it became the focal point of an operation...