In an admirable demonstration of their commitment to road safety, the diligent officers of the Greater Manchester Police’s commercial vehicle unit (CVU) were out in full force, proactively thwarting potential road hazards before they could unfold. Their...
In another day of vigilance on the roadways of Greater Manchester, the unwavering dedication of road policing officers from the Greater Manchester Police shone through once again. Their timely intervention prevented a potentially perilous situation, emphasising the...
In an ongoing mission to uphold road safety, the road policing officers from Wiltshire Police have displayed unparalleled dedication by once again intensifying their efforts to ensure safer roads. Recent operations have revealed a concerning surge in the interception...
In a relentless pursuit of safer roads, road policing officers from Wiltshire Police recently teamed up with the DVSA Enforcement Team to intercept another overladen vehicle, underscoring the importance of adhering to road safety regulations. This latest incident,...
In a relentless pursuit of road safety, the Greater Manchester Police’s Commercial Vehicle Unit (CVU) recently demonstrated their unwavering commitment by intercepting a potentially catastrophic situation on the region’s highways. A commercial vehicle,...
In a recent operation, Lincolnshire Police road policing officers exhibited their unwavering dedication to road safety by intercepting a seemingly unassuming small flatbed van travelling along the bustling A1 route in Grantham. What initially appeared as a routine...