It would seem that more events have unfolded in the picturesque Wiltshire area, as the diligent officers of the Wiltshire Police stumbled upon a rather peculiar situation while conducting their routine duties. It was a case of deceptive tire shapes that caught their...
In an incident that once again underscores the critical importance of road safety, road policing officers from the Wiltshire Police made a startling discovery on the M4 motorway. Their sharp eyes spotted a Fiat van, cautiously inching along the busy highway, raising...
In a recent operation aimed at ensuring road safety, officers from the Greater Manchester Police’s vigilant commercial vehicle unit (CVU) once again demonstrated their unwavering commitment to keeping the roads safe. Their sharp eyes spotted a van that was not...
In a recent incident that unfolded along the bustling A1 in Stevenage, the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Hertfordshire Road Policing Unit found themselves in pursuit of an unusual sight – a van mysteriously bouncing up and down as it traversed the road. ...
In a recent incident that unfolded in the Wiltshire area, the vigilant officers of Wiltshire Police stumbled upon a peculiar sight while patrolling the local highways. The sight in question was a vehicle that appeared to be carrying more than its fair share of...
In a recent incident to happen on the roads of Britain, vigilant road policing officers from the Avon and Somerset Police had to intervene as a potentially hazardous situation unfolded on the bustling M5 motorway. The driver of a flatbed truck was stopped for their...