In a recent incident that unfolded in the picturesque Wiltshire area, the ever-watchful road policing officers of the Wiltshire Police spotted a brace of matching vans, cruising down the winding roads in a peculiar convoy. At first glance, something didn’t...
In a recent incident that unfolded in the picturesque Wiltshire area, road policing officers from the Wiltshire Police joined forces once again with the DVSA Enforcement team in a relentless effort to make the roads safer for everyone. The focal point of this...
In a recent incident that unfolded in the serene landscape of Lincolnshire, the vigilance of road policing officers from the Lincolnshire Police Specialist Operations uncovered a perilous situation on the highways. What initially appeared to be just another lorry...
In a recent collaborative effort to ensure road safety, the Wiltshire Police, in partnership with the DVSA Enforcement team, conducted festive checks in the Wiltshire area. These proactive measures aimed to make the roads safer during the holiday season. However, in...
In another recent incident to occur in the Wiltshire area, road policing officers from the Wiltshire Police stopped yet another van on suspicion of being overloaded. However, what they found on closer inspection was more concerning as the vehicle weighed over the...
In a recent development, Wiltshire Police have once again demonstrated their unwavering commitment to ensuring road safety in the region. This time, their sharp eyes and dedication to duty uncovered a cunning attempt to deceive authorities by a vehicle suspected of...