Greater Manchester Police’s Motorcycle Unit recently made an unexpected discovery while patrolling Reddish Road in Stockport. Officers stopped a heavily laden vehicle, initially suspecting it was carrying more weight than permitted. Their suspicions were confirmed...
In a recent incident on the M6 northbound, the Staffordshire road team flagged down a vehicle whose load appeared suspiciously heavy. After a closer inspection, officers discovered the vehicle was overloaded by a staggering 410 kilograms. The excess weight, which...
In a recent incident on the M62, officers stopped a commercial vehicle due to concerns over load security, having noticed a suspicious bulging curtain on the vehicle’s side. Upon closer inspection, it was confirmed that the load was not securely strapped, posing a...
In a recent incident on the M62, a vehicle was stopped by a commercial vehicle unit after officers suspected it was carrying an insecure load. The vehicle was pulled off the motorway network for further inspection. Upon closer examination, it was confirmed by...
In a recent road safety incident, a 3500kg flatbed van was flagged by road policing officers while travelling on the M56 in Wythenshawe. The vehicle, which immediately raised suspicions due to its condition, was escorted to a local weighbridge for a thorough...
In a recent incident on the M56 near Wythenshawe, a scaffolding wagon was pulled over by authorities after being spotted with an insecure load. The vehicle, which posed a potential risk to other road users, was escorted to a nearby check site for further inspection....