SupaWeigh 4000 Upgrade Options
Weightru have developed solutions to upgrade and refurbish old Supaweigh 3000 and Supaweigh 4000 installations.
Many installations of the Central Weighing axle weighers are now reaching end of life with some over 25 years old. Over this period rust and corrosion has significantly weakened the steel structure making it prone to collapse, in some instances during service we have cleaned pits out of 50kg of steel that has fallen off the weighbridge.
The Weightru Dynamic Axle Weigher has been designed to fit straight into existing foundations minimising downtime and costly civil ground works. Typically Weightru stock new axle weighers ready to fit with 48 hours notice to get you back up and running in short time. Stock AxleWeighers are designed and built in our factory in Leicester by parent company MWS Ltd
The Supaweigh 4000 terminal is obsolete now, Weightru have a range of replacement axle weighing terminals to replace and/or upgrade the Supaweigh 4000 terminal with added functionality such as higher quality remote display or connections to PCs for data collection and ANPR cameras for automatic registration plate capture.
If you’re having issues with your Supaweigh installation, whether its the weighing terminal not working or the old Central Weighing weighbridge is not weighing correctly please contact one of our experienced service team for best advice.
Supaweigh 4000
Old weight terminal now obsolete

Old Technology:
Older style remote display with simple function.